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Olympic Flame Denmark
scopito Icon
Scopito is the renowned one cloud based programming organization which spares your information with the assistance of software. It examine all the substance from beginning to end and afterward, deliver a picture of that assessed information with its few blunders.
(+45) 71 99 29 03 | View ProfileAarhus, Europe Denmark
Geniebelt Icon
GenieBelt - simple to use, cloud-based construction management platform, specialized in Gantt charts. You can overview all your projects in one place, filter them by tags or people with Drill Down. Beats - communication platform, which allows you to @mention team members in projects, report a problem, send an update or picture. Also, GenieBelt will create handy reports with every project detail. It is available on Web, both on iOS and Android.
020 3868 6459 | View ProfileCopenhagen , Denmark
TRIMIT is based on world leading ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV system, comes with an inbuilt product and sales configuration including its variants, designs, quotation to customer service. Starting from 1990 we earn a good reputation for providing flexible and customized software for businesses. We provide software solutions for fashion, furniture and product configuration.
4570208970 | View ProfileViborg, Midtjylland Denmark
Basic BytesSponsor
Basic Bytes Icon
Basic Bytes is a group of Microsoft Certified Trainers and Microsoft Certified Solution Experts among a lot of other certifications - we do software development and consulting.
45 81818481 | View ProfileHornslet, Hornslet Denmark
Jofibo Icon
We're on a mission to simplify your career.Everyone should have the right to create a professional customizable resume that stands out no matter what your background is.We love simple things, and that's why here at Jofibo we are committed to serve as your go-to and easy-to-use resume builder with free templates without any trial or credit card hassle.
View Profileaalborg, Denmark
CommIT - Softwarevirksomhed i EsbjergSponsor
CommIT - Softwarevirksomhed i Esbjerg Icon
Softwarevirksomhed med belliggenhed i Esbjerg, der har forståelse for kvalitet og forretning.Vi udvikler IT-løsninger efter dit behov, som effektiviserer og forenkler arbejdsgange. Herudover har CommIT udviklet IT-systemer som Flådestyring, SMS-Service, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central og CommIT SBE.
+45 75 45 48 88 | View ProfileEsbjerg, Denmark
Roms planetSponsor
roms planet Icon
I'm 49 decades old. I am a software engineer in Here you are able to discover safe types of your preferred games that you may download for your PC and spend your absolutely free energy . I'm a major devotee of consoles. I've got a great deal of experience playing.The principle catalyst that filled in as the existence of romhacking was the narrative of the game Final Fantasy V at 1992. The Japanese business Squaresoft chose not to distribute the game in the United States, thinking of it as unreasonably entangled for Western players. With the approach of replicating, Western fans did not agree with the Japanese and played with it, yet additionally discharged the primary beginner interpretation of this image of the cartridge. There was not any official translation into English until the re-arrival of FFV toward the part of the bargain the PlayStation. It had been with the interpretation of Final Fantasy V the Russian romhacking scene showed up, it was the demonstration task of this Masterpiece bunch in 2001. Be that as it might, the restriction was very fruitless: the interpretation of the whole match was performed by only a single person (Ted Woolsey) within an incredibly short time. For example, in this particular interpretation, shrouded references to encourage advancement of the plot were introduced out, and the importance of a few of the sentences was supplanted by the inverse because of a misconstrued Japanese winged articulation (a saying cl
View ProfileViby J, Denmark
Image UpscalerSponsor
Image Upscaler Icon
Image Upscaler - - is smart tool to upscale image without loosing quality. When we increase image resolution it is always exist question how to estimate new pixels, that have been added. The general old school approach - is to compute it as avaraging from neighbor pixels, but in that case image look like stretched image and it has blur effect.In approach on Image Upscaler website we use convolutional neural networks (GAN) to approximate pixel and thanks for that images save their quality, they have no blur effect and looks more natural.Firstly, GAN Generative Adversarial Networks has been trained on big photo database. It helps to the algorithm to understand how the natural object looks like in real word. When you upload the image, Image Upscaler scans it, understands what the object is, and then draws the rest of the pixels. As a result, you get a higher resolution photo.You can upscale images in JPG, JPEG, PNG formats.Image Upscaler works with any image, but you will get a better result using photos, that were not previously upscaled and blurred. The website shows better results on animes, logos, cartoon pictures, or any other synthesized image.Website have 3 function:- AI image uscale (main)- jpeg artifacts removing- unblur image
420776668840 | View ProfilePraha - Michle, Denmark
AlisQI Icon
AlisQI is an easy to implement and integrate, flexible and cloud based Quality Management platform. We enable manufacturing companies to make their Quality Management data driven, automated and omnipresent. More than 70 factories worldwide use our platform for Quality Control, Quality Assurance and QESH management. We help our customers to reduce waste by up to 15%, increase their quality level and save up to 20% on time.
452-669-3370 | View ProfileValby, Copenhagen Denmark
Certainly Icon
Certainly is a Conversational AI Platform made for ecommerce and customer service.Through our next-generation technology, companies are able to deliver exceptional experiences and scale their growth. Insights from zero-party data from conversations with visitors ensure fewer product returns, lower cart abandonment and higher customer lifetime value.Certainly is on a mission to help businesses build awesome user experiences by creating a digital twin of their best salesperson.We want to fix how companies communicate digitally with people by building a truly interactive experience, based on conversation instead of clicks. Forget about transactions. Your new focus is to build loyal, long-term relationships and create returning customers.The Certainly Conversational AI software connects seamlessly across the platforms you run your business on.From customer care, sales and marketing to community, HR and management, it’s your new conversational interface that turns any user interaction into a frictionless, convenient & relevant user experience.For info on pricing visit: Call: +45 88 74 22 70Visit for more information.
0045 88 74 22 70 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
GoSimplo Icon
GoSimplo is the essential dashboard for project-based businesses. Collate your financial data and performance data in one place for free and understand which clients you should be prioritizing. Find out more at
+45 20 73 07 32 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Prezentor Icon
Prezentor is a powerful sales enablement platform that transforms the way sales is done. Manage all your sales content, build great customer dialogues and gain valuable insight.
+45 31 68 19 40 | View ProfileKøbenhavn,, Denmark
Fullview Icon
Fullview - a secure cobrowsing software solution for customer support, remote access and control or collaborate in real-time. Easy to integrate. No downloads.
View ProfileCopenhagen, Hovedstaden Denmark
Annata Icon
Annata is a Microsoft GISV (Global Independent Software Vendor) since 2001. We focus on delivering end-to-end information technology solutions for the Automotive, Equipment and Medical Device industries. Annata relies on Microsoft technologies and innovation to accelerate the development of the Annata 365 vertical business solutions on top of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Application Platform. Annata is a global organization based in Iceland with a close engagement and co-operation with Microsoft bringing industry specific solutions to the market. Microsoft has recognized Annata as an “Inner Circle” member, a status extended to the top 1% Microsoft Dynamics partners worldwide.
View ProfileBallerup, Denmark
Immediate EdgeSponsor
Immediate Edge Icon
Immediate Edge applies advanced HFT trading techniques to bet on BTC volatility. These include scalping, which involves using high leverage to generate huge profits from slight price movements. Our trading system conducts all trading automatically and at an extremely high win rate.We are the first AI-driven system for exclusive BTC volatility trading. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backbone of any worthwhile auto-trading system. The Immediate Edge trading system also capitalizes on blockchain and smart contracts for a seamless and transparent trading environment.Immediate Edge is free, easy to use and safe for all. We may introduce a registration fee in future for all new accounts. Take advantage of the free-license by signing up now. We ensure users safety through military-grade encryption measures. Moreover, we fully adhere to the GDPR data privacy law.
View ProfileKøbenhavn, Denmark
Yuan Pay GroupSponsor
Yuan Pay Group Icon
Yuan Pay Group anvender avancerede HFT-handelsteknikker til at satse på BTC-volatilitet. Disse inkluderer skalpering, hvilket indebærer at bruge høj gearing til at generere enorme overskud fra små prisbevægelser. Vores handelssystem udfører al handel automatisk og med en ekstremt høj gevinstrate. Vi er det første AI-drevne system til eksklusiv BTC-volatilitetshandel. Kunstig intelligens (AI) er rygraden i ethvert værdifuldt auto-handelssystem. Yuan Pay Group-handelssystemet udnytter også blockchain og smarte kontrakter for et problemfrit og gennemsigtigt handelsmiljø. Yuan Pay Group er gratis, nem at bruge og sikker for alle. Vi kan indføre et registreringsgebyr i fremtiden for alle nye konti. Udnyt den gratis licens ved at tilmelde dig nu. Vi sikrer brugernes sikkerhed gennem krypteringsforanstaltninger af militær kvalitet. Desuden overholder vi fuldt ud BNP-databeskyttelsesloven.
+3227882160 | View ProfileKøbenhavn, Denmark
PSQR is a Danish software development company that specializes in highly scalable software for storing, processing and analysing vast amounts of supply chain data. We craft and engineer track and trace software, modules and data solutions to ultimately assist our partners to optimize and digitise supply chains across industries. We are currently tracking over 20 billion unique items annually.The company partners with track and trace software integrators, solutions providers, consultancies and industry bodies to bring best-of-breed IT solutions to the world of traceability.
View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
How to fax from iphoneSponsor
how to fax from iphone Icon
Get the latest information about the best apps in the app store with our blog. We've developed over 20 apps in the last six years. Learn how to fax from your iPhone, get information about Tiktok video downloader apps and more!
View ProfileKøbenhavn - Copenhagen, Denmark
BitQS Icon
Bit QS anvender avancerede HFT-udvekslingsprocedurer for at satse på BTC-uforudsigelighed. Disse inkorporerer skalpering, som inkluderer anvendelse af høj indflydelse til at producere gigantiske fordele ved mindre værdiudvikling. Vores udvekslingsramme fører til, at alle udveksler naturligt og med en utrolig høj gevinstrate. Vi er de vigtigste AI-drevne rammer for restriktiv BTC uforudsigelighed udveksling. Menneskeskabt ræsonnement (AI) er grundlaget for enhver gavnlig automatisk udvekslingsramme. Bits-udvekslingsrammen udnytter ligeledes blockchain og strålende aftaler for et konsekvent og ligetil udvekslingsklima. Bits er gratis, enkel at bruge og okay for alle. Vi kan præsentere en hvervning udgift i fremtiden for hver ny rekord. Udnyt den løse tilladelse ved at markere nu. Vi garanterer kundernes velvære gennem krypteringsforanstaltninger af militær kvalitet. Desuden holder vi os helt til GDPR informationsbeskyttelsesloven.
4570136000 | View ProfileKøbenhavn, Denmark
Bitcoin CodeSponsor
Bitcoin Code Icon
Bitcoin Code anvender avancerede HFT-handelsteknikker til at satse på BTC-volatilitet. Disse inkluderer skalpering, hvilket indebærer at bruge høj gearing til at generere enorme overskud fra små prisbevægelser. Vores handelssystem udfører al handel automatisk og med en ekstremt høj gevinstrate. Vi er det første AI-drevne system til eksklusiv BTC-volatilitetshandel. Kunstig intelligens (AI) er rygraden i ethvert værdifuldt auto-handelssystem. Bitcoin Code-handelssystemet udnytter også blockchain og smarte kontrakter for et problemfrit og gennemsigtigt handelsmiljø. Bitcoin Code er gratis, nem at bruge og sikker for alle. Vi kan indføre et registreringsgebyr i fremtiden for alle nye konti. Udnyt den gratis licens ved at tilmelde dig nu. Vi sikrer brugernes sikkerhed gennem krypteringsforanstaltninger af militær kvalitet. Desuden overholder vi fuldt ud BNP-databeskyttelsesloven.
4586165722 | View ProfileAarhus, Denmark
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